Video quality assessment is essential for the performance analysis of visual communication applications. Objective\r\nmetrics can be used for estimating the relative quality differences, but they typically give reliable results only if the\r\ncompared videos contain similar types of quality distortion. However, video compression typically produces\r\ndifferent kinds of visual artifacts than transmission errors. In this article, we focus on a novel subjective quality\r\nassessment method that is suitable for comparing different types of quality distortions. The proposed method has\r\nbeen used to evaluate how well different objective quality metrics estimate the relative subjective quality levels for\r\ncontent with different types of quality distortions. Our conclusion is that none of the studied objective metrics\r\nworks reliably for assessing the co-impact of compression artifacts and transmission errors on the subjective quality.\r\nNevertheless, we have observed that the objective metrics� tendency to either over- or underestimate the\r\nperceived impact of transmission errors has a high correlation with the spatial and temporal activity levels of the\r\ncontent. Therefore, our results can be useful for improving the performance of objective metrics in the presence of\r\nboth source and channel distortions.